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I’m Leonid Shegay and I’m versatile software engineer and Full Stack web developer focused on making beautiful and functional apps
Currently based in Russia, Khabarovsk • Working as full-stack engineer • Making web applications
My essential works and projects
I am full-stack web developer and computer security specialist. I love programming, but also I love creating beautiful and many functional apps. Here you can see all my recent projects I’m really proud of!
About me
As a child, I loved to play games and watch cartoons online. I realized that web technology really made my childhood a little more fun! Now I understand the impact this has had on my life.
I am now a full-stack web engineer, game and software developer. I love everything related to IT-technologies!
I have a passion, but also a perfectionist vision. I want to create beautiful and functional applications and websites that will make the world a little better.

I previously worked at Rhonda Software as a fullstack developer (Django + Vue) on a business analytics platform. I migrated the whole frontend from Vue 2 to Vue 3 using the new Composition API.
Now I work in Messaggio as frontend web developer. I also do my own projects and take a part in different programming championships. I write about coding and web.
I made my own Capture The Flag platform for our FarEastCTF championship that we run with students. We have made the most successful CTF in the Russian Far East.
I am a cybersecurity specialist who graduated from Pacific National University in 2024.
Frontend developer
Highload Multichannel Messaging Platform
Full-stack developer
Rhonda Software
Business SPA development
Main Developer & Organizer
Capture The Flag championship
Front-end developer
FogStream Hackathon
Hackathon, took a second place
Full-stack developer, mobile AR developer
EligoVision Hackathon
Hackathon, took a second place
Cybersecurity specialist
Pacific Nation University
Khabarovsk, student